Our precipitation hardened ferritic stainless steel is the first in the world to be mass-produced, which defies the conventional wisdom that soft-magnetic stainless steels are also mechanically soft.
- High hardness makes it remarkably wear-resistant. Which means that hard Cr coating and other surface hardening treatment can be omitted.
- This has a high mechanical strength.
- It offers superior magnetic properties. One of the best quality soft-magnetic stainless steels of our line-up.
- It offers superior corrosion resistance.
Description of materials
[Basic composition]
- K-M57 14.5Cr-3Ni-2Mo-1Al-1Si-Cu,Ti
[Heat treatment condition]
- Solution treatment 1050℃×2.5hr-rapid cooling
- Aging treatment 550℃×3hr-air cooling

[Available manufacturing dimensions]
Dimensions: 7 to 11.5D (round bar)
Length: 2000 to 4000mm